Corporate Governance Policy

Wastech Exponential Company Limitedม and its subsidiaries ("the Company") recognize the importance of conducting business with responsibility, transparency, and in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance. This approach to management fosters fairness, accountability, and aims to create long-term value for shareholders, build confidence among all stakeholders, and promote sustainable growth for the organization.

Corporate Governance Policy
Code of Conduct
Audit Committee Charter
Board of Directors Charter
Chief Executive Officer Charter
Company Secretary Charter
Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee Charter
Executive Committee Charter
Internal Audit Charter
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter
Risk Management Committee Charter
Other Policies
Anti-Corruption Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Manual
Internal Control Policy
Sustainable Policy
Investment in Subsidiaries and Associates Policy
Reporting of Securities Holdings and the Use of Inside Information Policy
Transactions Policy
Succession Plan Policy
Privacy Policy
Personal Data Protection Policy

Whistleblowing Channel

Report any instances of corruption or violations and infringements to the Business Code of Conduct to the Whistleblower channel.